Singapore – Representatives of the Port State Control Committee, the governing body under the Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Asia-Pacific Region (TokyoMOU), met in Singapore for the Twenty-Third session from 21 to 24 January 2013. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Abdul Samad Bin Shaik Osman, Principal Assistant Director,Maritime Industry Control Division, Marine Department Peninsular Malaysia. Mr. Lam Yi Young, Chief Executive, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, made a welcome speech and declared opening of the meeting officially. Mr. Lam stressed firstly the important role of Tokyo MOU in port State control and the responsibilities of Singapore as both a major flag State and port State. Then he commended the efforts, initiatives and achievements by the
Tokyo MOU during the past years. Moreover, Mr. Lam encouraged Tokyo MOU to further enhance and improve its activities so as to promote safety of navigation, protection of the marine environment and the labour condition on board ships. Lastly, he reaffirmed the commitment and continuous support from Singapore to the Tokyo MOU.
The Tokyo MOU was concluded in December 1993 and came into operation in April 1994. At present, the Tokyo MOU consists of 18 member Authorities: Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Fiji, Hong Kong (China), Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, the Russian Federation, Singapore, Thailand, Vanuatu and Viet Nam. The Republic of the Marshall Islands and Peru adhere to the Tokyo MOU as co-operating member Authorities. The Authorities of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Macao (China), the Solomon Islands, the United States Coast Guard, the International Maritime Organization, the International Labour Organization and the Secretariats of the Paris, the Indian Ocean and the Black Sea Memoranda of Understanding on Port State Control and the Viña del Mar Agreement are associated with the Tokyo MOU as observers. The twenty-third meeting of the Port State Control Committee was attended by the member Authorities of Australia, Chile, China, Fiji, Hong Kong (China), Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, the Russian Federation, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam, co-operating member Authority of the Marshall Islands and observers of DRP Korea, Macao (China), the United States Coast Guard, the Black Sea MOU, the Indian Ocean MOU, the Paris MOU, the Viña del Mar Agreement and ILO. The member Authorities of Canada, Indonesia and Vanuatu, co-operating member Authority of Peru and observers of the Solomon Islands and IMO were unable to attend.
The sixth meeting of Technical Working Group (TWG) was held from 18 to 19 January 2013, immediately before the Committee meeting. The TWG meeting discussed matters relating to PSC technical procedures and guidelines, the Concentrated Inspection Campaigns; information system and information exchange, evaluation of work done by intersessional technical groups and technical co-operation activities.
The Committee considered and approved the new inspection regime (NIR). The Committee decided to introduce the NIR for implementation on 1 January 2014. The Committee further decided to issue a separate press release for providing the industry and the general public with more information and explanation on the NIR.
Taking the entry into force of the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006 into account, the Committee considered and adopted the amendments to the Memorandum for inclusion of MLC as one of the relevant instruments under the Tokyo MOU. The amendments will take effect on 20 August 2013, on which the MLC enters into force.
The Committee considered the intersessional work done by the group on the revision of the PSC Manual and approved the new structure of the PSC Manual in principle. The Committee noted with satisfaction the successful launching of the new version of the MOU web-site.
The Committee considered and adopted a document of policy on concentrated inspection campaigns (CICs), which is harmonized with the one agreed by the Paris MOU. The Committee approved the arrangements for the CIC on Propulsion and Auxiliary Machinery that will be carried out from 1 September to 30 November 2013 with the Paris MOU jointly. The Committee confirmed to conduct a joint CIC with the Paris MOU on Hours of Work and Rest in 2014 and noted the ongoing discussions and preparations of the CIC. The Committee further agreed to keep liaison with the Paris MOU for decision and preparation for the CIC in 2015.
The Committee elected Mr. Abdul Samad Bin Shaik Osman, Principal Assistant Director, Maritime Industry Control Division, Marine Department Peninsular Malaysia, as the Chairman and Mr. Carlos Fanta, Head of Port State Control Division, Directorate of Maritime Safety, Directorate General of the Maritime Territory and Merchant Marine of Chile, as the new Vice Chairman of the Committee for the next three meetings. The Committee noted the election of Mr. Kenny Crawford of New Zealand and Mr. Nurur Rahman of Papua New Guinea as theChairman and Vice Chairman of TWG meeting respectively.In conjunction with the Committee meeting, an open forum with the industry was convened on 24 January 2013. The forum was attended by the International Association of Classification societies (IACS), Association of Asian Classification Societies (ACS), INTERTANKO, INTERCARGO, the International Chamber of Shipping and the International Shipping Federation (ICS/ISF), Asian Shipowners’ Forum (ASF) and the Sporting Arms & Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute (SAAMI).
The twenty-fourth meeting of the Port State Control Committee will be held in Japan in October 2013.