IPIECA presentation at IMO Symposium on Sustainable Maritime Transportation

IPIECA Executive Director, Brian Sullivan presented on Fuel availability and new fuel types – technology for high efficiency at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Symposium on Sustainable Maritime Transportation on 26 September at the IMO headquarters in London. The event was held to mark World Maritime Day, for which the theme was ‘Sustainable Development: IMO’s contribution beyond Rio+20’.





During the presentation Brian outlined how the industry is working to operate responsibly within maritime transportation systems including through oil spill prevention and response initiatives, highlighting the work of the IPIECA – IMO Global Initiative that works to promote the ratification of international conventions and improve local capacity and capability in regions including South East Asia, the Caspian Sea and West and Central Africa, as well as energy efficiency initiatives. He also highlighted IPIECA’s work with the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee and its supporting Subcommittee on fuel supply in relation to the January 2022 implementation of a global Sulphur cap of 0.50% S. IPIECA and its members encourage policy makers to take a systems approach to assessing the impact of the legislation on fuel supply that includes the supply chain, equipment manufacturers and operators.





Finally Brian reasserted the oil and gas industry’s readiness to contribute to improving the efficiency and environmental performance of shipping, particularly through IPIECA and its work.





Read the full presentation.