New guidance on managing psychosocial risks on expatriation in the oil and gas industry

Managing psycho-social risks on expatriation in the oil and gas industry coverExpatriation can present complex psychosocial issues and risks for both employees and employers. In addition to technical skills, selection of expatriates should include specific attention to their psychological ability to cope with a new living and working environment. Failure to understand and address psychosocial risks can have an adverse impact on the effectiveness and wellbeing of expatriate employees, their families, and the operations and businesses in which they work.


This new IPIECA-OGP guide outlines an overarching risk based management strategy that identifies both potential issues and related risks, and actions for prevention and intervention. Establishing an adequate intervention strategy is instrumental in responding professionally in the event of an employee suffering from a psychological injury. The approach taken to manage such a strategy will depend on the organizational structure of the company or its culture, but would usually consist of three main steps: 1) immediate actions; 2) the rehabilitation phase; and 3) the reintegration phase.


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