Tokyo MoU adopts a policy on Concentrated Inspection Campaigns harmonised with the Paris MoU

At the meeting of its Port State Control (PSC) Committee last week, the Tokyo MoU adopted a policy on concentrated inspection campaigns (CICs), which is harmonised with the one agreed by the Paris MOU. This will see the Tokyo MoU conduct a CIC on Propulsion and Auxiliary Machinery from 1 September to 30 November 2013 jointly with the Paris MoU.



In recognition of the entry into force of the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006 Tokyo MoU will also conduct a joint CIC with the Paris MOU on Hours of Work and Rest in 2014.



INTERTANKO’s Senior Manager for Environment, Tim Wilkins, attended an open-forum session at the PSC Committee meeting last week (click here to view related article) where he delivered a presentation and put forward the growing concern from INTERTANKO Members that facilitation payments are becoming more commonplace during ship inspections. He also provided proposals for improved PSC inspections and increased co-operation with industry.



The full press release from Tokyo MoU on the PSC Meeting can be accessed here or from their website.