ΙΜΟ New ship safety rule to prevent loss of containers enters into force

A new regulation requiring the gross mass of a container to be verified before it is loaded onto a ship enters into force today (1 July 2016). It will assist in ensuring that the millions of containers carried on ships each year are optimally stowed, thereby helping to prevent container stacks collapsing and containers being […]

IMO Advice regarding verification of gross mass of packed containers

An MSC circular on Advice to Administrations, port State control authorities, companies, port terminals and masters regarding the SOLAS requirements for verified gross mass of packed containers has been agreed by the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), following discussion on the pending entry into force of the requirements in SOLAS […]

ICC urges consideration of broader trade implications of tax policies in response to BEPS recommendations

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) recognizes the efforts of an increasing number of tax authorities to revise their tax policies in response to the international guidelines outlined in the G20 mandated Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Base Erosion Profit Shifting (BEPS) project. ICC urges national governments to seriously consider the broader implications […]

IMO Security Council statement highlights IMO capacity-building work in Gulf of Guinea

_x000D_ IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim has welcomed the Presidential Statement from the United Nations Security Council (S/PRST/2016/4) in which the Council strongly condemns acts of murder, kidnapping, hostage-taking and robbery by pirates in the Gulf of Guinea and encourages States in the region and regional organizations to enhance cooperation on maritime safety and security. The […]

ICS Pushing for Balanced Update of York Antwerp Rules

At the Comité Maritime International (CMI) Conference, in New York this week, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) will be pressing to ensure that the proposed revision of the York Antwerp Rules of General Average delivers a clear improvement on the present system and does not touch on fundamental principles. _x000D_ ‘General Average’ is a […]

IMO seeks hosts for Maritime Technology Cooperation Centres

An ambitious project to help mitigate the harmful effects of climate change has been kick-started by IMO with a call for formal expressions of interest to host centres to promote cooperation in the field of maritime technology. _x000D_ The joint IMO – European Union project, entitled “Capacity Building for Climate Change Mitigation in the Maritime […]

IMO Mandatory electronic data exchange for international shipping adopted

Mandatory requirements for the electronic exchange of information on cargo, crew and passengers have been adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), as part of a revised and modernized annex to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL), which aims to harmonize procedures for ship’s  arrival, stay and departure from port. _x000D_ The new […]

ICC contributes policy inventory to the global business dialogue on the EU GDPR

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has today released a policy inventory identifying aspects of the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that will benefit from business experience and expertise. The tool will serve as a key resource for the global business community, who is currently scoping out how to consider and implement […]

ICS Representing Shipowners at Important UN Meeting on Future of Oceans Governanace

At the United Nations in New York, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) is representing the interests of shipowners at the opening session of a UN Preparatory Committee starting work on a new legal instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The establishment of the new UN Preparatory Committee, […]