ICC Court announces new policies to foster transparency and ensure greater efficiency
_x000D_ The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) International Court of Arbitration ® has today announced two major decisions aimed at enhancing the efficiency and transparency of ICC arbitration proceedings. Both decisions were unanimously adopted at the Bureau of the Court at its session of 17 December 2015 and announced at the Court’s Plenary session on […]
IMO GloMEEP energy efficiency project gets underway with first national workshop
_x000D_ The first national workshop under the Global Maritime Energy Efficiency Partnerships GloMEEP), Project, which aims to support increased uptake and implementation of energy-efficiency measures for shipping, has been held in Georgia. _x000D_ Georgia is one of the Lead Pilot Countries for the project, which aims to build understanding and knowledge of technical and […]
IMO Mandatory audits and other amendments enter into force on 1 January 2016
_x000D_ A number of important amendments to IMO treaties enter into force on 1 January 2016, including new requirements for verification of compliance, making audits mandatory under the IMO Member State Audit Scheme. _x000D_ Other amendments entering into force include SOLAS amendments to require inert gas systems on board new oil and chemical tankers of […]
IACS Council Focuses On Next Generation Safety Systems: Establishes Cyber Systems Panel
Cyber initiative is among decisions agreed during 72nd meeting of IACS Council in support of industry and IMO on technical issues _x000D_ (London) – The International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) has created a Cyber Systems Panel to lend support and resources to address what has become a key industry issue. _x000D_ IACS panels represent […]
ICS Global Shipping Industry Welcomes ‘Paris Agreement’
_x000D_ The global shipping industry, represented by the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) throughout the United Nations Climate Change Conference, greatly welcomes the ‘Paris Agreement’, adopted unanimously on 12 December by 195 nations. _x000D_ The shipping industry remains committed to ambitious CO2 emission reduction across the entire world merchant fleet, reducing CO2 per tonne-km by […]
ICC hails historic climate deal
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) —the world’s largest business organization—has responded to the adoption of a new global climate agreement at the conclusion of COP21. _x000D_ John Danilovich, Secretary General, said: _x000D_ “This is a truly historic moment in our shared efforts to meet the climate challenge. Business has consistently called for a robust […]
ICC Last call from business for ambitious climate deal
With just hours remaining for UN negotiators to secure a global Climate agreement, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has issued an eleventh-hour call on behalf of its 6.5 million members, for an ambitious COP21 deal that works with business and industry. _x000D_ _x000D_ Sending a strong signal to negotiators as they head into […]
IMO Illegal wildlife trade faces zero-tolerance policy
A zero-tolerance policy towards the illegal wildlife trade (IWT) was among several concrete measures agreed this week (9th December 2015) by members of the United for Wildlife International Taskforce on the Transportation of Illegal Wildlife Products. _x000D_ Members of the taskforce, including IMO, agreed the text of a declaration, to be signed next March, containing […]
Call for papers for 2016 IMO-GloBallast R&D Forum on Ballast Water Management
_x000D_ The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has issued a call for papers for a major global research and development forum on ballast water management, to be held in March 2016. _x000D_ The forum will provide an opportunity for experts to share the latest developments in technologies that may stop the spread of potentially invasive aquatic […]
ICC The impact of climate change on sovereign ratings
_x000D_ In a guest blog for ICC Marko Mrsnik of Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services, and Dr David Niklaus Bresch of Swiss Re. warn that sovereign ratings could become more at risk as evidence of the economic implications of climate change and extreme weather events becomes more concrete. _x000D_ _x000D_ Climate change: The impact on […]