Mandatory electronic information exchange on horizon following revised FAL Convention approval

The Facilitation Committee (FAL), meeting for its 39th session, approved a revised annex to the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL), 1965, as amended, following a comprehensive five-year review aimed at modernizing the Convention. To be circulated with a view to adoption at the Committee’s next session (FAL 40, scheduled for March/April 2016), […]

GMC's Chemical Cargo Handling Simulator

GMC’s Chemical Cargo Handling Simulator accurately reproduces the typical cargo handling systems found on a chemical tanker. _x000D_ The simulator is modeled on the cargo systems found on IMO type II and type III chemical tankers suitable for the carriage of category X, Y, Z and other substances in bulk.  The simulated cargo space is […]

GMC's LCHS – LNG Simulator

GMC’s LCHS – LNG  Simulator offers both MOSS type LNG carriers and Membrane type LNG carrier simulation models. _x000D_ The Moss type LNG carrier model is based on an IGC type 2G LNG ship with vapour pressures within the atmospheric to 0.25 bars range.  The design of the cargo containment system is spherical independent tanks […]

GMC's LCHS oil tanker simulator

GMC’s LCHS oil tanker simulator offers a range of models including Aframax, Panamax and VLCC vessel types. _x000D_ Based on actual cargo handling systems the simulator includes the segregated ballast system, slop tank arrangements, Tank wash arrangement (including COW) and Inert gas system.  Detailed visual representations of pipelines, valves, pumps, sensors, gauges and  other components […]

Setel Hellas has won a BITE award for second consecutive year

Setel Hellas has won a BITE award for second consecutive year… _x000D_   _x000D_ On Monday, 30th of June the Business IT Excellence (BITE) 2014 award ceremony took place at the main ballroom of Grande Bretagne Hotel in Athens. BITE Awards are all about recognizing and rewarding the most successful and innovative solutions and practices […]

IMSBC Code Pocket Guide

Intercargo has worked with Lloyd’s Register and the UK P&I Club to produce a pocket guide on the IMSBC Code. The pocket guide aims to help all those responsible to manage the risks of carrying solid bulk cargoes and achieve compliance with SOLAS. It outlines the precautions that should be taken before accepting cargoes for […]

New targeting lists Paris MoU

New targeting lists Paris MoU _x000D_ _x000D_ _x000D_   _x000D_ At its 47th meeting last month, the Paris MoU Committee approved the 2013 inspection results and adopted new performance lists for flags and Recognized Organizations. These lists will take effect from 1 July 2014. _x000D_ The “White, Grey and Black (WGB) List” presents the full […]

“Maritime education and training" selected as World Maritime Day theme for 2015

  _x000D_ _x000D_ _x000D_ _x000D_ _x000D_ _x000D_ _x000D_ _x000D_ ​“Maritime education and training” will be the theme for World Maritime Day 2015. _x000D_ _x000D_ _x000D_ The IMO Council has endorsed a proposal by IMO Secretary-General Koji Sekimizu to adopt “Maritime education and training” as the World Maritime Day theme for 2015. _x000D_ Addressing the IMO Council, […]