Total Aboa Courses: 113 || Course Number: 2 || Course Category: Aboa

Damage Stability And Subdivision Regulations

Damage Stability And Subdivision Regulations



The seminar aims to help Captains (of all ranks) and executives of each company to develop an understanding as well as to become familiarized with the regulations relating to watertight subdivision and stability after damage.

The main objective of the seminar is to remind basic concepts of stability and to explain in simple and understandable terms the regulations, the internationally used SymWriter and the concept of the regulations governing the issue: subdivision regulations & damage stability.

The final goal is for Captains and vessels’ officers in charge to be able to manage effectively any information provided to them from the damage stability Booklets and damage stability software.

In order to achieve this, the seminar is based on the Damage Stability Booklet and the respective Loading-Stability Software of certain vessels of the interested company. Also, the structure and SymWriter used to them is explained.

Furthermore, the seminar the basic principles governing the study of ships’ stability are analysed, definitions and constrains regarding its calculation are illustrated and any queries arising on the issues of the seminar are resolved.

It is a fully specialized seminar that sheds light on the complex issue that ultimately concerns the deeper understanding of the ship and the management of information provided in the Stability Booklets (Intact & Damage) as well as the various plans existed on ships.


-Introduction – Presentation of the seminar modules
-Intact stability: Principles, limitations to its study and current legislation
-Iterative reference to Intact Stability calculation procedure
-Analysis of the existing legislation on Intact Stability and its explanation through presentation of Loading Software and Printout of an actual loading situation
-Explanation of Dynamic Stability Phenomena In Waves such as Parametric Rolling, Resonant Roll, Reduction of Stability on Wave Crest, etc, followed by a relative most enlightening video
-Discussion and queries’ resolution on the issues analyzed
-Brief chronology of Ship Subdivision and Damage Stability regulations
-General reference to the contemporary regulations of Ship Subdivision and Damage Stability for the different types of vessels
-Extensive analysis of the current Ship Subdivision and Damage Stability regulations of each company (Tankers of all types, Bulk Carriers, Container ships, Passenger Ships, RoRo etc.)
-Full explanation of the terms mentioned in booklets (intact and damage) such as damage stability criteria, damage cases, etc.
-Analysis of Damage impacts and reduction of vessel’s stability
-Full explanation of Damage stability Booklet & Damage Control Plans. Understanding of the restrictions that exist when using information provided by them
-Projection of vessels’ Damage Stability Software and analysis of the information they provide
-General guidelines for familiarization with the Damage stability Booklet and Damage Control Plans
-General guidelines to tackle a Damage situation
-Questions – resolving queries – discussion

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